Ranking Criteria and Ranking Criteria Groups
  Last Edited - 11/26/2013 10:41am PST
  Category Path - Glossary
Ranking Criteria are an optional component of the Product Reviews Module, which allow the store admin to create lists of specific elements that customers may rate when submitting product reviews. These "lists of specific elements" are known as Ranking Criteria Groups, and are created in the Ranking Criteria Editor, which is located in the store's admin area at [Modules > Product Reviews > Add a Ranking Criteria Group]. Each "specific element to be rated" is a ranking criteria.

Each ranking criteria group may include just one ranking criteria, or several different ranking criteria. And each ranking criteria group may be assigned to just one product, or to several different products. However, each product may only be assigned to one ranking criteria group at a time.

A store that sells a variety of plants might create a ranking criteria group specifically for house plants. The ranking criteria for in this group might include "Appearance", "Fragrance", and "Ease of Cultivation".

The store admin would create the ranking criteria group in the Ranking Criteria Editor, and assign products in the "house plants" category to the ranking criteria group.

In the storefront, when a customer reviews a product that is assigned to the "house plants" ranking criteria group, the customer will also be able to rate the product in terms of appearance, fragrance, and ease of cultivation.

Once the customer has completed the product review, the customer's ratings of the plant's appearance, fragrance, and ease of cultivation will be displayed with the review. The ratings for each individual ranking criteria will also be combined into a product score, which will also be displayed with the review.


see it in action!
View the Vriesea product page in the Modular Merchant demostore and click on the Reviews tab to see existing product reviews, including ranking criteria ratings.

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