The Ranking Criteria Group Editor allows you to quickly add a Product Review for either a guest, customer or store admin.
Adding a Ranking Criteria Group
On the Product Review module's Home page, click the link for the Add a Ranking Criteria Group page.
Complete all desired fields.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Editing a Ranking Criteria Group
On the Product Review module's Home page, click the link for the Search Ranking Criteria Groups page.
Click either the SID number or the
icon associated with the group.
In the Ranking Criteria Group Editor, make the intended changes.
Click Save Changes when finished.
Product Review Editor options
SID (System ID)
The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the Ranking Criteria Group to the system. This number is set by the software and cannot be changed.
Criteria Group Name
The Ranking Criteria Group's name is viewed only within the store's administration area. It is used for administrative record keeping purposes only.
The Ranking Criteria Group's description is viewed only within the store's administration area. It is used for administrative record keeping purposes only.
Review Criteria
When a customer reviews a product that is associated with this Ranking Criteria Group, they will be given a list of the criteria specified here. They will be able to rank each of the criteria on a scale, such as from one to ten.
Click the Add Criteria button to add a new criteria item to the group.
The Name of the criteria item can be displayed in the storefront by using the {REVIEW-CRITERIA-NAME} QuickCode Tag. Criteria without a name will not be saved. Criteria that has had its name removed will be deleted.
The Description of the criteria item can be displayed in the storefront by using the {REVIEW-CRITERIA-DESCRIPTION} QuickCode Tag. The description is optional.
To permanently delete a criteria item from the group, select "YES" from the menu in the Delete column and click the Save Changes button.
Apply the criteria above to the following:
The Ranking Criteria Group can be applied to as many products as desired. However, each product can be associated with only one Ranking Criteria Group.
To simplify the process of applying a Ranking Criteria Group to many products at once, this setting provides an option to apply the group to either a list of products, categories or vendors.
If the group is to be applied to one or more products, then enter a comma separated list of all of the product SID numbers in the text field.
If the group is to be applied to products in one or more categories, then enter a comma separated list of all of the category SID numbers in the text field. When the page is submitted, the system will automatically apply the group to every product in the each of the listed categories.
If the group is to be applied to products by one or more vendors, then enter a comma separated list of all of the vendor SID numbers in the text field. When the page is submitted, the system will automatically apply the group to every product associated with each of the listed vendors.
warning Since a product can be associated with only one Ranking Criteria Group, saving a product SID that is already associated with an existing Ranking Criteria Group will remove it from the previous group, and reassign it to the new group.
example Creating a Ranking Criteria Group for a selection of products
Let's say I run a store that sells music and t-shirts. I want my customers to be able to review and rank each product in my store, but it wouldn't make sense for them to use the same criteria to rate music as t-shirts. The solution is to create two Ranking Criteria Groups: one with criteria specific to music products, the other with criteria that one would use to rank t-shirts.
First, I will create a Ranking Criteria Group for the music products. In the editor, I enter the following:
Criteria Group Name: Music Rating Options
Description: The options used to rate music products in the store.
I will then create three Ranking Criteria that my customers can rate for each music product. You may create as many Ranking Criteria as desired for each product; but three just sounds right to me today. I click the Add Criteria button until three rows are available.
The first criteria I want my customers to be able to rate is "Sound Quality". So I will enter this into the Name field. I'll then enter a definition of this in the Description field. I'll repeat this step to create criteria for "Lyric Quality" and "Longevity".
I want to every music product in my store to be able to be ranked by this criteria, but not the t-shirt products. Fortunately, I have already made a category in my store named "All Music Products" which contains every music product in my store catalog. To apply this Ranking Criteria Group to each music product, I can select "Products in one or more categories" from the dropdown menu in the Apply the criteria above to the following section, and then enter the SID of my "All Music Products" category in the text field.
Clicking the Save Changes button will create this new Ranking Criteria Group and apply it to every product in the "All Music Products" category. Now, in my storefront, each of those products can not only be reviewed, but the review form will also include each of those three criteria, which the customer can rank!