Responsive Store Templates Are Here!
  Last Edited - 07/30/2013 2:26pm PDT
  Category Path - Editorial > Blogs > Merchant Messages
July 30th, 2013
One responsive store + multiple devices = many happy clients.
Responsive Templates Available!
Responsive templates adapt themselves for any screen size. This allows you to design your store once, and still have it be compatible with desktop, tablet and smartphone screens.

We've released our first wave of responsive templates! Our responsive templates are built on the popular Bootstrap framework, and many more responsive templates are already on the way!
Client Spotlight: Foot EFX
Congratulations to Foot EFX on launching their online store with Modular Merchant.

Many clients ask us about the possibility of creating a 1-page checkout, or being able to submit orders from pages other than the store's checkout page. Foot EFX's website does both of these things with a streamlined checkout form right on their website's home page. Check it out!

Visit this client's website...
Discounts on PCI Compliance Certification
Did you know that we can handle the PCI certification for your entire website for you? We can perform the website's audit, fix vulnerabilities, and provide you with a completed PCI Compliance Report on a regular basis.

We've brokered an agreement with McAfee that allows us to provide PCI scanning to our clients at a substantial discount.

Simplify your PCI Compliance and increase your website's protection against hackers today!
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