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Version 4.121210.1031 Release Notes
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Version 4.121210.1031 Release Notes

Release notes for Modular Merchant version 4.121210.1031
  • 3rd-Party Integration
  • Network Merchants Gateway
    Added support for the Network Merchants ( emulator) payment gateway. (As with all newly integrated payment gateways, it will be considered to be in "BETA" release for several months, while its performance and compatibility with the shopping cart software is evaluated.)
  • PayFlow Pro Payment Gateway
    Added support for the PayFlow Pro payment gateway. (As with all newly integrated payment gateways, it will be considered to be in "BETA" release for several months, while its performance and compatibility with the shopping cart software is evaluated.)
  • Virtual Merchant payment gateway
    Added support for the Virtual Merchant payment gateway. (As with all newly integrated payment gateways, it will be considered to be in "BETA" release for several months, while its performance and compatibility with the shopping cart software is evaluated.)
  • Administration Area
  • Customize Table Columns
    On the Search Customers and Search Affiliates pages, several incorrectly titled columns have been corrected. (The "Total Spent" column was titled "Number of product" and the "Password" column referenced "Super Admins", which have been rendered obsolete in MMv4.)
  • Generic Shipping Labels
    The "2up company" and "3up plain" generic shipping labels should be working again. (They both contained references to several outdated QuickCode Tags, which was preventing them from rendering properly.)
  • Search Customers & Affiliates
    Fixed an issue on both the Search Customers and Search Affiliates pages that would prevent the customer/affiliates passwords from being displayed; even if the Admin had permission to view passwords.
  • Order Editor
    The Related Pages section of the Order Editor now contains a link to Print a Packing Slip. The packing slip is designed to be included with boxed items in shipments. It can be customized independently of the printable invoices.
  • Order Notification Email
    The Order Notification email that can be sent to store Admins is now has its own, separate message template. (Previously, the Order Notification email was just a copy of the Order Receipt email.) The new Order Notification email can be edited at [Design > Search Store-Generated Email Messages]. It is System ID (SID) number 104.
  • Pending Off-Site Payment Gateway Transactions
    Added an option to the Search Pending Off-Site Payment Gateway Transactions page to "complete" the transaction. Completing a transaction will move the pending record from the Pending Transactions page over to the Search Orders page. It will also email a receipt to the customer. The process does not re-bill the customer.
  • QuickLinks
    All references to QuickLinks™ have been changed to Add to Cart Links. The functionality and formatting of the links has not been altered; the keen "QuickLink" phrase has just been retired.
  • Search Orders
    The "action" menu at the bottom of the Search Orders page now includes an option to Print Invoices for all selected orders. Invoices can be printed for multiple orders. When this option is selected, a popup window will open, which will contain all invoices to print. A page break will be inserted between each invoice.
  • Search Orders
    The "action" menu at the bottom of the Search Orders page now includes an option to Print Packing Slips / Shipping Manifest for all selected orders. Packing slips can be printed for multiple orders. When this option is selected, a popup window will open, which will contain all packing slips to print. A page break will be inserted between each one.
  • General
  • Tech Support
    Improved the security protocols that enable Tech Support to access system logs and other Administration files for accounts hosted in other timezones.
  • QuickCode Tags
    The {FIELD-PRODUCT-QUANTITY} QuickCode Tag can now be used in the 1-Click Upsell system's upsell and downsell templates. The names of these templates are: upsell.tpl and downsell.tpl. (Previously, this QuickCode Tag wasn't compatible with the 1-Click upsell pages, and would cause unexpected results if used on them.)
    Fixed an issue that was preventing the {PRODUCT-NAME} QuickCode Tag from displaying the product names when used in a custom, generic shipping label.
  • Storefront
  • Search Results
    Fixed some issues that could interfere with the formatting of product names and descriptions in the search results.
  • Universal Template
  • Upsell and Downsell Templates
    A change has been made to the Universal version of the upsell.tpl and downsell.tpl files. Previously, only one unit of the product displayed on these pages could be added to the customer's basket and purchased. Now, a quantity field is present on these pages, allowing the customer to purchase more than one unit of the product.
  • Packing Slip Template
    Add a new template file titled packing_slip.tpl to the Universal Template system. This template is used by the new system for printing packing slips/shipping manifests for orders. As with all templates, this file can be added to any Template Package and customized as desired.

### End of Release Notes ###

— Last Edited - 12/10/2012 10:31am PST
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