Trial Period
  Last Edited - 05/2/2014 3:03pm PDT
  Category Path - Glossary
Modular Merchant offers a FREE Trial Period of 30 days. After 30 days, if the account is not activated, it will be deleted from the server and any work done in the account will be lost.

To start a free Trial Period, simply sign up here.
During the Trial Period

When the Trial Period begins, the new account will be loaded with our standard shopping cart software and all of our add-on modules. During the Trial Period, the account will have full access to set up products and design the store.

trial period limitations
During the Trial Period, the following limitations will apply:

Credit cards will not be charged during the Trial Period.

PayPal orders cannot be placed during the Trial Period.

For the duration of the Trial Period, the account will be hosted in the Modular Merchant's default account area (

The account may be activated at any time during the Trial Period. The account activation option is located in the store's Administration Area at [Admin > System Settings > Testing & Development].

All work done with the account during the Trial Period will be retained through activation.

activation benefits
Once the account is activated, credit cards may be charged for purchases through the store.

PayPal orders will processed normally.

The account will be eligible for our website hosting options.

The account will be eligible for more options for automated tasks.

Additional subscription options will be available.

Additional report options will be available.

Additional features will be added to the store's Administration Area, such as sales info, store performance data, store statistics, and much more!
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