Customer Editor
  Last Edited - 10/8/2013 3:19pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Customers
A Customer Account is an individual record of each customer's contact information, order history, and more.  Customer accounts are created automatically when an order is placed in the store.  The Customer Editor is used to manually create customer accounts in the store's administration area and to edit existing customer accounts.

This KB article also has a companion article that explains the intricacies of customer accounts, differences from previous versions of the Modular Merchant software, and the relationships between affiliates and customers.  Please also see Introduction to Customer Accounts.

To create a new customer account:
  1. Go to Customers > Add a Customer.
  2. Configure the customer account.
  3. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
To edit an existing customer account:
  1. Go to Customers > Search Customers.
  2. Use the provided search tools to locate the customer account, then click either the SID number or the icon associated with the customer account.
  3. Make the desired changes to the customer account.
  4. Click the Save Changes button when finished.
Account Information

SID (System ID)
The SID number assigned to the customer account. The shopping cart automatically assigns a unique SID number to each customer account when the account is created.

The email address associated with the customer account.  Email is the only required field with customer accounts.  Each customer account must use a unique email address.

The password associated with the customer account.  Customers will use this password to log back into the storefront for future orders or access the My Account area of the storefront, where they can view their order history, update their contact info, and more.

The area code and phone number associated with the customer account. In order to simplify the registration process, most recent template packages do not include the area code field in customer account registration forms.

If  is selected, the customer is eligible to log in and place orders in the storefront.  If , the customer will not be able to log into the storefront, access the My Account area, or be included with emails sent with Modular Mailer.

Tax Exempt
If this option is toggled to YES, the customer will not be charged taxes. If this option is toggled to NO, the customer will be charged for taxes, if the customer's address falls within the range of any of the store's active tax rules.

Email Opt In
If this option is toggled to YES, emails sent by Modular Mailer will not exclude this customer. If this option is toggled to NO, emails sent by Modular Mailer will exclude this customer. This option does not apply to store-generated email messages, and so even if the customer's Email Opt In option is set to NO, the shopping cart will still send store-generated emails such as the Order Receipt email.

Parent TID
If the customer is currently associated with an affiliate, the affiliate's TID number will be displayed in this field.

Reward Points
The customer's current reward point total is displayed in this field. The field may be edited to manually increase or decrease the customer's reward point total.

Billing Information

The data associated with the Billing Information section will be sent to the payment gateway to verify the customer when purchases are made in the store.

Billing First and Last Name
The first and last name of the customer account's billing address.

Billing Address
The street address of the customer account's billing address.

Billing City
The city associated with the customer account's billing address.

Billing State
The state associated with the customer account's billing address.

Billing Zip
The zip or postal code associated with the customer account's billing address.

Billing Country
The country associated with the customer account's billing address.

Shipping Information

The shipping information section contains the customer's shipping address(es).  Modular Merchant's shopping cart software includes the ability for customers to have more than one shipping address on file and to ship to multiple shipping addresses in a single shopping session.

Select a Ship Address
Use the dropdown to select which ship address to view and edit.  Select Add a new shipping address to add a new one.  Use the checkbox next to the red X  to delete the ship address.  The address will be deleted after clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Ship First and Last Name
The first and last name of the person associated with the shipping address.

Ship Address
The street address associated with the shipping address.

Ship City
The city associated with the shipping address.

Ship State
The state associated with the shipping address.

Ship Zip
The zip or postal code associated with the shipping address.

Ship Country
The country associated with the shipping address.

Customer Attributes

If the default options for the customer editor are insufficient, customer attributes can be added to the store.  If any are present in the store, they will displayed in this section.

Customer Attributes are explained in greater detail here:
Customer Attribute Editor.

Custom Customer Fields

Custom customer fields are information fields that be be added to the checkout or admin area of the store to collect additional information from your customers. 

A common customer field is a section of the checkout such as How did you hear about us?

Customer Fields are explained in greater detail here:
Customer Field Editor.

Affiliate Account

New in MMv4, store and affiliate accounts are now merged.  This means that all affiliates are automatically also customers.  This is explained in further detail here:
Introduction to Customer Accounts.

Is an Affiliate
If  is selected, some additional affiliate options will be available below.  If , those menu items will be hidden. 

Admin Approved
indicates the affiliate has been approved and can begin marketing Tracking IDs  indicates that the affiliate account has not been approved for affiliate marketing.

Displays the name of the company associated with the affiliate.

Website URL
Displays the website URL associated with the affiliate.

Displays the fax number associated with the affiliate.

Payable To
Indicates whether the affiliate is paid as an individual or a company.

Tax Class
Indicates whether the affiliate's tax class is that of an individual, company, or non-profit organization.

Tax ID
Displays the affiliate's tax ID.
Affiliate Stats

Start Date
Displays the date the affiliate's account became active.

Hits / Orders
Displays the total of hits that the affiliate's tracking IDs have received and the number of resulting orders.

Ave. Commission
Displays the average commission value of the orders associated with the affiliate.

Earned / Paid
Displays the total amount earned versus the total amount paid.

Account Balance
Displays the amount that the affiliate is owed.

Affiliate Tracking IDs Columns

Displays the SID (System ID) of the Tracking ID.  This number is set by the software and cannot be changed.

Displays the description of the Tracking ID.

Displays the total amount of hits the Tracking ID has received.

Displays the total number of sales that are associated with the Tracking ID.

Displays the total amount earned by the affiliate for the Tracking ID.

Click the chain link icon  to go to the landing page associated with the Tracking ID.
Credit Account

Credit accounts can be granted to individual customers so that they may place orders in the store without using a credit card or other method of payment.  When this option is used, the Credit Account section displays info related to the customer's credit account usage.  When a credit account order is placed in the store, the order is marked as unpaid and unauthorized.  When a customer has paid the store, store admins should return to those order(s) and mark them as paid and authorized, which will add the credit back to the customer's account.

Has Credit?
If  is selected, some additional affiliate options will be available below.  If , those menu items will be hidden.

Credit Terms
The number of days after placing an order before the customer's account will no longer be able to place credit orders.

Credit Limit
The total amount of credit extended to the customer.

Available Credit
The current amount of credit available for the customer.

Payoff Amount
The total amount currently owed by the customer.

Term Usage
The number of days the customer has had an unpaid order in the store.

Payoff Due
The date the customer's credit payment is due. 
Subscriptions Columns

The quantity of the product in the subscription.

The Subscription product's name.

Bill Date
The date the product in the Subscription is next due.

If the product is on hold, the Subscription Module will not process the order when it is due.  Select indefinitely to keep the product permanently on hold, until a store admin updates it.  Select through... to open a text field where a date can be selected.  The Subscription Module will automatically remove the hold on that date.

Red X  Checkbox
Use this checkbox to delete a product from the customer's Subscription.  The item will be removed when the Save Changes button has been clicked.

Click the Edit link to go to the Subscription Editor, which contains more advanced editing options.
Recent Orders

Order ID
Displays the Order ID of the most recent orders placed by the customer.  Click the ID number to go to the Order Editor for more detailed information.

Displays the date the order was placed.

Displays the order's grand total.
Groups this Customer Is In Columns

Displays the System ID number of customer groups that the customer account belongs to.

Group Name
Displays the name of the customer group.

Displays the total number of customers in the group.  Click the number to view those customers.

Customer's Credit Cards Columns

Name on Card
Displays the name associated with the credit card.  This name will be sent to the payment gateway when the customer places orders with it in the storefront.

Card Number
The credit card number.

The expiration date of the credit card.

Red X  Checkbox
Use this checkbox to delete the credit card.  After selecting the checkbox, click the Save Changes button to delete the card from the customer's account.

It is possible to hide the full credit credit card numbers from being viewed by certain admin accounts.  To do this: 
  1. Go to Admin > Search Admin Accounts.  
  2. Locate the admin account, and click the icon to edit it.
  3. From within the Admin Account Editor, deselect View full credit card numbers.
  4. Click Save Changes at the bottom.
  5. You may also want to deselect to prevent the admin from turning that option back on.
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