Subscribe customer to an autoresponder when they purchase a product
  Last Edited - 11/8/2012 2:07pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial describes the steps necessary to subscribe a customer to an email series when they purchase a specified product. This provides a means to create an autoresponder for the selected product(s).

  • When a customer purchases Product X, they will be subscribed to a specified Email Series.
  • The customer will be subscribed to the email whether the order is placed by the customer in the storefront, or by an Admin using the Place an Order tool, or by a subscription.
To replicate this type of functionality in your store, use the Event Engine Editor to create an event with the following Triggers and Results:

General Information
In the General Information section, set the desired Event Name, Start Date, End Date, and any other desired settings for the event.
To prevent the customer from being re-subscribed to the Email Series if they purchase the product again in the future, set the Event's Reusable option to "NO".

The event's trigger(s) should be set up as follows.

trigger 1 of 1
Type: product
Details: When 1 or more unit(s) of product SID 123 are purchased in the storefront

In the example above, change "1" to the desired number of products that must be present in the order that is processed.

Change "123" to the SID of the product that must be purchased in order to trigger the event.
Events that are triggered when an item is "purchased in the storefront" will be processed when the order is successfully processed.

The event will be triggered if the order is placed by the customer in the storefront, or if by an Admin using the Place and Order tool, or if by a scheduled subscription that has become due.

They will not be triggered if the order is declined, or when the product is simply added to the customer's basket.

The event's result(s) should be set up as follows.

result 1 of 1
Type: email series
Details: subscribe the customer to the email series... My First Email Series (SID 1)

When the event is triggered, it will result in the customer being subscribed to the selected email series. (In the example above, this is the email series titled "My First Email Series" with SID number 1.)

The customer will then be signed up to receive all of the emails in the series, whether it contains one email, or dozens spread out over the course of several months.
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