Buy X, Start a Subscription to Y
  Last Edited - 03/20/2014 7:36am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Subscription Products > FAQs & Tutorials
buy product one get a subscription to product two
I want my customers to purchase an "introductory" version of a product in my store that starts a subscription to the regular version of our product that recurs every thirty days. What would I do to set this up?

This can be done by creating two products: one product for the "introductory" version, and a second product for the "regular" version. When a customer purchases the "introductory" version, the shopping cart software will automatically create a subscription to the "regular" version of the product that automatically rebills every 30 days. Each of the two products will have subscription rules assigned to them.

Experience with the Product Editor recommended.

In this tutorial:

The SID number of the "introductory" product will be: 123
The SID number of the "regular" product will be: 456

Here's an overview of how those subscription rules will be configured for both the products:
Introductory product

First, open the "introductory" product in the Product Editor. In the editor, locate the section titled Subscription Rules.

For the Subscription Schedule:
  • Set the product's subscription term to Every X Days.
  • In the text field to the right of that menu, enter 30.

For the Rescheduling Options:
  • Set the product to reschedule subscriptions for itself 0 (zero) times.
  • In the final dropdown menu, select Start a subscription to a NEW product.
  • Then, enter the SID number of the "regular" product in the text field next to that menu: 456
Regular, ongoing product

Next, open the "regular" version of the product in the Product Editor, and locate that same section titled Subscription Rules.

For the Subscription Schedule:
  • Also set this product's subscription term to Every X Days.
  • In the text field to the right of that menu, enter 30 as well.

For the Rescheduling Options:
  • Set the product to reschedule subscriptions for itself 0 (zero) times.
  • In the final dropdown menu, select Restart the subscription to itself. (A never-ending subscription.).
These settings for product SID 456 will create a loop, resulting in product 456 billing every 30 days for all eternity. (Unless canceled or deleted by either the customer or a Store Admin.)
The results

Those settings should provide the following results:
  1. The customer purchases product SID 123 in the storefront
  2. 30 days later, an order is placed for the customer for product SID 456, which repeats every 30 days.
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