Create coupons for a specific group of customers
  Last Edited - 12/20/2012 3:56pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial describes the steps to provide a discount to a selection of customers. This method has two parts: first, a Customer Group must be created. Second, an Event is created that allows customers in that group to use a specified Coupon Code.

  • The coupon code will be available only to customers who are in the specified Customer Group.
  • The customer must be logged in to the storefront when entering the coupon code in order for it to take effect.
  • If the customer logs out, or is removed from the Customer Group, then the coupon will not take effect.
To replicate this type of functionality in your store, use the Event Engine Editor to create an event with the following Triggers and Results:

The event result could be among a number of different things. For this particular example, we will be creating a coupon usable only by customers in a specific customer group, for a discount of $5.00 from the order grand total.

General Information
In the General Information section, there are a couple of key items that will need to be selected in order for the Event to function properly:

Event Type
Coupon Code... When the customer enters the coupon code: EXAMPLE
(Replace "EXAMPLE" with desired code name)

How to apply the Triggers below
Select Match ALL the triggers below.

The event's trigger(s) should be set up as follows:

trigger 1 of 1
Trigger Type: customer
Trigger Details: The customer is in the Customer Group SID 123

Change "123" to the SID number of the Customer Group.

The event's result(s) can be set up as follows:

result 1 of 1
Result Type: order pricing
Result Details: The order grand total is decreased the amount of 5.00 dollars

As stated above, the result can be set to a number of different things. For this example, when the coupon code is entered, it will grant a discount of $5.00 from the order grand total.

To allow this event to be reused by the same customer, toggle the Reusable option to "YES".
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