SID stands for System ID. The SID is a number, generated by the shopping cart software, that identifies an item such as a category, customer, order, product, etc. Nearly everything in Modular Merchant has a SID number assigned to it.
SID numbers are unique among the type of item. For example, two products cannot both have the SID 123. However, there may be a product with SID 123 and a category with SID 123.
SID numbers are generated and managed by the store software and database. They cannot be changed.
Comments: This article has 2 user comments. |
tryouramazing said... |
Want to start SID at a higher number. No need to highlight the fact that this is a new shopping cart. |
cmarier said... |
Order and Customer SID numbers usually start at 10,000. And if there's an even higher start number you'd like, you may request it in a Support Ticket and the support team can usually apply it to your store for you. Hope this helps. |
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