Discount EVERY product (store-wide sale)
  Last Edited - 12/20/2012 3:51pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial describes the steps to put all products in your store on sale for a specified period of time.

the storefront automatically displays sale prices
When a customer comes to your store, whether they are registered or not, they will view your products at a discounted price.

To replicate this type of functionality in your store, use the Event Engine Editor to create an event with the following specifications.
Event Editor

General Information
In the General Information section, set the desired Start Date and End Date. The sale price will be applied to the product through the dates specified, meaning that the sale will be in effect beginning at the start of the specified start date, and ending at the end of the specified end date. The end date can also be set to Never Expires, which would keep the sale price active indefinitely.

triggers optional
For this type of event, there is no need to use a trigger (however, you are more than welcome to add one!).

If the sale is automatic and does not have any special requirements, the option How to apply the Triggers below, should be set to: "This event doesn't use triggers. (It's either ALWAYS applied, or uses a coupon code with no additional requirements.)".

If the sale does have additional requirements, such as requiring the purchase of a specific product to trigger the sale, then the option How to apply the Triggers below, should be set either to: "Match ALL the triggers below" or "Match ANY of the triggers below". Either of those selections will reveal the Add a Trigger to this Event section, which includes the options to configure triggers for the sale requirements.

Event Results
The event's result should be set up as follows:

result 1 of 1
Result Type: product pricing
Result Details: The price of ALL products is decreased 50 percent

In the above result, you may alter "50" to reflect any number between 1 and 100, as well as changing "percent" to "dollars".

Utilizing this event type for membership purposes

Say you have a customer group, which contains customers who have a specific product in their subscription. This customer group is named "Extraordinary Spenders Members". To give their membership some meaning, you want to grant a 40% discount off all products in the store, but only to these specific customers.

This sort of thing can be done, using a very similar setup as from the example above, except a trigger would be needed.

In order to add a trigger, first set the option How to apply the Triggers below either to: "Match ALL the triggers below" or "Match ANY of the triggers below". Either of those selections will reveal the Add a Trigger to this Event section.

The event would appear something like:

Event Triggers
The event's trigger(s) should be set up as follows:

trigger 1 of 1
Trigger Type: customer
Trigger Details: The customer is in the Customer Group SID 123

Change "123" to the SID number of the Customer Group.

Event Results
The event's result(s) should be set up as follows:

result 1 of 1
Result Type: product pricing
Result Details: The price of ALL products is decreased 40 percent

Using the above setup, your "Extraordinary Spenders Members" will see the sale prices displayed in the storefront, and will receive the 40% discount. Customers that are not logged in or not a member of the "Extraordinary Spenders Members" group will not see the sale prices and will not receive the discount.
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