Purchase product X and receive a coupon for Y amount/percent
  Last Edited - 02/3/2014 2:47pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial explains how to create an event that is triggered by the purchase of a specific product, and that has the result of creating a coupon code that the customer may redeem in a later order.

  • When the product is purchased, the shopping cart will generate a new coupon code and display it on the checkout receipt page and in the order receipt email. The new coupon code may be redeemed in a future order.
To replicate this type of event, use the Event Editor to create an event with the following settings.

Explanations of each of the Event Editor settings is provided in the Event Engine Editor Knowledge Base article. In this tutorial, only the most relevant settings will be discussed.

General Information

Event Type Automated Event
Active YES
How to apply the Triggers below Match ALL the triggers below.
Event Triggers

Trigger Type product
When 1 or more unit(s) of product SID  X are purchased in the storefront 

Event Results

Result Type coupon code
coupon code is generated in the amount of Y dollars

Once all of the event's settings have been configured, click the blue Save Changes button to create the new event.
Example: When product SID 123 is purchased, generate a $10.00 coupon code

Event Type Automated Event
Active YES
How to apply the Triggers below Match ALL the triggers below.
Trigger Type product
When 1 or more unit(s) of product SID  123 are purchased in the storefront 
Result Type coupon code
coupon code is generated in the amount of 10.00 dollars

Once all of the event's settings have been configured, click the blue Save Changes button to create the new coupon code.
More customizations...

Restrict the event by redeem limit, reusability, or date...

If the event's Redeem Limit setting is adjusted, it would be possible to limit how many times the event may be triggered, among all customers. This would limit the total number of coupons that would be generated by purchases of the specified product.

If the event's Reusable setting is adjusted, it would be possible to restrict the event so that each customer may only trigger the event once. The first time each customer purchases the specified product, the customer would be eligible to receive a new coupon. But after that initial order, purchasing the product again would not result in a new coupon for that customer.

It would also be possible to adjust the event's Start Date and End Date settings so that the event will only be active for a limited period of time.

Restrict the event by triggers...
Additional trigger rules may be added, to specify additional requirements that must be met in order for the customer to receive the coupon code.

For instance, if the event was created specifically for use by a customer group used to track "wholesale" customers, the following additional trigger rules might be added:
Trigger Type customer
Trigger Details The customer is in the Customer Group SID SID number of the "wholesale" customer group
If a customer who is not in the "wholesale" customer group purchases the product specified in the original trigger rules, the customer will not receive a coupon code.

Add more results...
Additional results may be added in the Add a result to this Event section. Each time a new result is configured, saving the event will transfer the new result rules to the Event results section, so that the Add a result to this Event section is again available to add another new result.

For example, the event could also apply a $10.00 discount to the specified product, as well as generating a $10.00 coupon for use in a future order.
General Information
Event Type Automated Event
Active YES
How to apply the Triggers below Match ALL the triggers below.
Trigger Type product
When 1 or more unit(s) of product SID  123 are purchased in the storefront 
Result Type coupon code
coupon code is generated in the amount of 10.00 dollars
Result Type product pricing
The price of product SID 123 is decreased 10.00 dollars

Once the additional result has been configured, click the blue Save Changes button add the new result to the event.

That's it for this tutorial! The information above may be used to create an event that generates a new coupon in the amount of Y dollars/percent, when product X is purchased in the storefront. The event's settings may even by customized to add restrictions on receiving the coupon, or to add more results.
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