This product may only be shipped by the following methods (Product Editor Option)
  Last Edited - 08/11/2014 10:49am PDT
  Category Path - Glossary
The This product may only be shipped by the following methods options in the Shipping & Fees section of the Product Editor are used to specify which shipping methods will be displayed at checkout.

All active ship method associated with drop shipper

If the This product may only be shipped by the following methods dropdown menu is set to All active ship method associated with drop shipper, then the shipping methods displayed at checkout are determined by the dropshipper that is assigned to the product, and the shipping methods that are assigned to that dropshipper.

The dropshipper that is assigned to the product is determined by the Location this Product Ships From setting in the Shipping & Fees section of the Product Editor.

The shipping methods that are assigned to the dropshipper are determined by the selections in the Shipping Methods section of the Dropshipper Editor. Only active shipping methods are displayed in the Shipping Methods section, so in order to assign a shipping method to a dropshipper, the shipping method must be active.

Only the ship methods selected below...

If the This product may only be shipped by the following methods dropdown menu is set to Only the ship methods selected below..., then the shipping methods displayed at checkout are determined by the dropshipper that is assigned to the product, the shipping methods that are assigned to that dropshipper, and the shipping methods that are assigned to the product.

The dropshipper that is assigned to the product is determined by the Location this Product Ships From setting in the Shipping & Fees section of the Product Editor.

The shipping methods that are assigned to the dropshipper are determined by the selections in the Shipping Methods section of the Dropshipper Editor.

The shipping methods that are assigned to the product are determined by the selections in the This product may only be shipped by the following methods shipping method list below the This product may only be shipped by the following methods dropdown menu.

Each shipping method in the list has two controls. The toggle in the Active column indicates whether the shipping method is active or inactive. Active shipping methods may be displayed in the storefront; inactive shipping methods are only displayed in the admin area. The checkbox in the green checkmark column indicates whether the shipping method is assigned to the product.

For example, a shipping method with the Active toggle set to YES and the checkbox selected is assigned to the product and will be displayed in the storefront. A shipping method with the Active toggle set to NO and the checkbox selected is assigned to the product, but will not be displayed in the storefront (it will be displayed in admin area pages though, such as the Place an Order tool). A shipping method with the Active toggle set to YES and the checkbox deselected is active but not assigned to the product, and so may be displayed in the storefront -- but not for orders containing the current product.
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