Why we love Support Tickets so very much...
Support Tickets are the preferred method of contact with the Modular Merchant Support Team for questions, bug reports, projects, feature requests or any other need.
Support Tickets are encouraged because:
They are your direct line of communication with the Tech Support Staff. Modular Merchant's tech support team receives an instant notice whenever a support ticket is created or updated by a client.
Support tickets are also given priority over phone calls and email, and do not have to compete with spam.
Support tickets can be submitted 24 hours per day and viewed by the entire Modular Merchant Support Team.
Tips for writing a good Support Ticket
To expedite the response to your request, be sure to include the following, if applicable:
Provide the SID (System ID) number of any customer, product, order, etc., that is being referred to.
Provide the URLs of any pages of the admin area, storefront, or other websites that are related to the ticket. Simply copy & paste the URL from your web browser's address bar.
Are specific steps required to recreate a problem? Include those steps.
Was a specific error message displayed? Provide the exact error message (copy & paste, if possible).
Screenshots are usually helpful, and always appreciated!
example Here is an example of a poor support ticket submission. The Modular Merchant tech support department was forced to request additional info, thus delaying the issue from being quickly solved:
customers have reported today that teh shiping methods arent working right
example Here is an example of a similar support ticket submission, but it contained the info that allowed Modular Merchant to investigate and resolve the matter right away:
A customer reported to us today that he was unable to get any shipping rates to appear in the checkout, so he was unable to complete his order. The customer's SID number is 10081. The basket contained 2 units of product SID #123, and one unit of product SID #456. Please let me know what is going on so I can contact the customer and let him know.
To start a new Support Ticket:
To start a new Support Ticket, log in to your store's Administration Area, and then go to [Support > Support Tickets > +].
On that page, complete the following sections of the Support Ticket submission form:
Ticket Title
Input a brief description of the support ticket request. The ticket title will be viewed by the Modular Merchant tech support team, and will also be displayed on the Search Support Tickets page.
Include a detailed summary of the request.
Attach a File?
File attachments can be very helpful to the Modular Merchant support team. More than one file can be simultaneously added by clicking the + button.
Update Support Ticket
When you are finished updating the support ticket, click the Update Support Ticket button to submit it to Modular Merchant's tech support team.
To edit a existing Support Ticket:
Go to Support > Support Tickets.
Locate the Support Ticket using the provided search tools.
Click either the Ticket ID number or the
icon associated with the Support Ticket.
Update the support ticket in the Message field.
Click Update Support Ticket when finished. Click Reopen Support Ticket if the Support Ticket was closed.
By utilizing Support Tickets, you'll expedite a response to the questions you submit to our Tech Support Team!