The System Settings page is used to enter company information, select a payment gateway, select a template package for the storefront, and much more. The options on this page control much of the store's behavior. The System Settings have several sections, each of which is explained in detail below.
Account Statistics
The Account Statistics section displays an overview of some of the administrative and technical account options. This section is view-only, but some of the information displayed may be altered through settings elsewhere in the store's Administration Area.
Account Name
This is the account name associated with the Modular Merchant account, which was selected when the account was first created by the account holder. To request a different account name, open a support ticket.
Account Plan
This is the account plan currently associated with the Modular Merchant account. An option to change the account plan is available at [Admin > Manage Modular Merchant Account > Billing Information], in the Product Subscription section. The current Modular Merchant account plans are summarized on the Modular Merchant Pricing Page.
Server #
This is the server number hosting the Modular Merchant account. This can be useful to know in cases where there are connectivity issues.
Software Version
The current version of the software that the account is running.
Client ID
The ID number of the account. The Client ID is used by Modular Merchant internally.
The API Key is used to connect custom scripts with the Modular Merchant API. It is also used with other scripts such as the RMV system. Each Admin Account may have a unique API Key. The option to generate a new API Key for a specific Admin Account is located in the Admin Editor in the Security Information category.
Referral Code
The referral code may be used to create a custom referral link. More information about referral links is available in the following Knowledge Base article:
[url]Earn rewards with the Powered by Modular Merchant link[/ur]
The Testing & Development options control whether the store is open for business, and whether credit card transactions will use test settings or live credit card information.
Are you running in Test Mode?
When the store is in Test Mode, test orders can be placed to make sure the store is communicating with your payment gateway, without actually billing a live credit card. While in test mode, the store will submit dummy credit card information to the payment gateway when an order is placed in the storefront. Even though dummy credit card info is used, the store does contact your payment gateway while in Test Mode, so this can be a good way to test that your store and payment gateway are communicating with one another.
To use Test Mode, you will need to have a Payment Gateway account configured in your store's System Settings.
note Test Mode is always on during a Modular Merchant account's trial period. Once the account has been activated, Test Mode may be turned off.
Is your storefront open for business?
This option controls whether the store is open or closed. If the store is closed, a "store closed" message will be displayed when a customer attempts to browse the storefront. Customers will not be allowed to shop or complete checkout.
tip Even while the store is closed, users that are logged into the administration area will have access to the storefront as if it was open. This can be a useful tool for testing the storefront out prior to opening it to the general public.
The Company Information options are used to set up information about the store that may be displayed on the storefront, in order receipt emails, on shipping labels, etc.
Company Name
The Company Name is displayed to customers in the storefront, as well as in store generated email sent by the store.
Company Logo
Use this tool to optionally upload a company logo for the storefront. Most template packages created by Modular Merchant are already set up to display the logo as soon as it is uploaded using this tool.
Company Website URL
This field can be used to dynamically provide links in the storefront to your website.
Optionally input the street address. For your convenience, we have added a 3rd row.
The company's city can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more.
The company's state can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more.
Zip/Postal Code
The company's zip or postal code can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more. The zip code inputted here will also be used as the default "ship from" address if you store ship tangible goods.
The stores's country can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more.
Phone Number (Primary)
The store's phone number can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more.
Phone Number (Secondary)
The store's secondary phone number can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more.
Fax Number
The store's fax number can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more.
Company Email
The store's email address can be inputted and displayed on contact pages, the receipt page, store generated emails and more. In addition, the email address inputted here will be the from email address that is used with store generated emails, such as receipt emails.
Target gross monthly sales
Input the target monthly sales for the store. The amount entered will be automatically included in graphs and reports to compare with actual sales.
The Display Settings section contain options to control how certain information is displayed in the store.
The Time Zone is the time zone in which the store operates. Store records, including orders, will have times listed in the time zone selected.
Select the type of currency the store accepts. The currency type will be submitted to the payment gateway for authorization when customers check out.
Unit of measure
Select either U.S. Standard (Pounds & Ounces) or select Metric (Kilos & Grams).
Template Package
Select the Template Package that controls the design of the storefront.
Smartphone Template Package
This Template Package will be used when users view your storefront using a smartphone. The store will override the regular Template package when customers are on a mobile device or smartphone. This process is explained in detail here:
Facebook Template Package
This Template Package will be used when users view your storefront from within Facebook. Facebook integration is explained in detail here: Facebook Integration.
Products Per Row
Set the default number of products displayed per row when Grid view is selected on category, featured products, search results, storefront, and vendor pages. The default value for this System Setting is "1" (which is the way products were previously displayed in the storefront by default).
Popup summaries
Pinned notes  throughout the admin area can be used to view a quick summary of the item. For example, it can be order info, customer info, etc. Use this setting to select whether the summary displayed if your cursor hovers over the note or if the note is clicked.
Use SEO-friendly URLs in storefront?
This option is used to select whether or not the product details, categories, and vendor pages in the storefront are formatted in an SEO-friendly format. For example, if selected, the URL of a product with a name such as "Pet Rock" would be If not selected, the same product page would have a URL such as
Date Format
Use the dropdown menu to select the format you'd like the day of the month, month, year, minutes, and seconds to appear throughout the administration area.
Storefront Banner
These options may be used to upload up to five images for use in a banner or slideshow to appear throughout the storefront. More information about these options is available in the following Knowledge Base articles:
Display a slideshow on any store page
Customize the image slideshow of a responsive template package
Select the countries (and their states) in the menus in your Storefront:
Select the countries that your store will do business with. The countries selected (and their states if applicable) will appear in the checkout area when customers complete their orders. Customers not in those countries will not be able to complete checkout.
Merchant Account Settings
The Merchant Account Settings section contains the options that control how customers will be able to make payments.
Does your store accept credit cards?
Select YES to display the credit card fields in the checkout.
Credit Card Discount Rate
If you have an account with a credit card processing gateway, enter the discount rate associated with that account. This information will be used in the Merchant Account Statistics report, located at [Reports > Merchant Account Stats].
Credit Card Validation Amount
If a credit card is used when placing a free order, then an authorization check on the card in this amount will be performed. The default amount is $1.00, but this can be changed to any value, even $0.00. More information on how the shopping cart software handles free transactions can be found in the following Knowledge Base article:
How zero dollar transactions are handled
Capturing of funds
Select authorize AND collect the funds to to capture the funds from store orders when they are placed. Select authorize funds only (collection done manually later) to authorize the funds only. If the latter is selected, the user must log into the payment gateway's admin area/virtual terminal to capture the funds.
note Users of the payment gateway can also capture the funds on the Search Orders page.
Credit Card payment processing gateway
Use the dropdown menu to select the payment gateway that your store will send the credit card authorizations to. Once the payment gateway has been selected, some additional options to input the account holder's login credentials will become available.
tip Select Manual (Process Offline) when testing the store prior to opening it to the public. That way, a live credit card needn't be used to place orders.
Gateway Credentials
To finish the integration with your payment gateway, input the gateway login credentials.
note Manual (Process Offline) does not require any gateway credentials.
PayPal Account Login
If your store accepts PayPal payments, input the email address associated with the PayPal account here.
Use security check when Admins log in
When an admin logs into the store's admin area, the shopping cart records the admin's IP address. If this option is set to YES, and the geographic location of the admin's IP address does not match the country associated with the admin account, then the admin will not be allowed to log in. Instead, a message will be sent to that admin's email address. The email message will contain more information about the reason why their access to the store's admin area was prevented, and the steps they can take to prevent being locked out in the future.
Secure administration pages
If selected, all store administration area pages will load in an https environment.
Secure every storefront page
If selected, all storefront pages will load in an https environment.
note The checkout area of the storefront will always load in an https environment, no matter what settings are selected.
Force customer bill & ship country match
If selected, the customer's bill and ship countries must be the same or the customer's checkout attempt will fail.
Force customer IP match
The shopping cart software can automatically look up a customer's IP address and match it up to a country. If the country & IP address do not match, the customer will be unable to complete checkout if the Force IP match setting is selected.
Retain All Credit Card Data
If this option is set to YES, customer credit card data will be encrypted and securely saved in the store's database for all orders. If this option is set to NO, customer credit card data will be encrypted and securely saved in the store's database only for orders containing subscription products (so that future subscription transactions may be processed).
Minimum order value
Orders less than this amount will be declined. Leave blank to ignore.
Maximum order value
Orders greater than this amount will be declined. Leave blank to ignore.
Transaction floodcheck
Used to prevent customers from inputting consecutive orders in less than a specified time interval. Leave blank to ignore.
Customer cookie
Use this field to select the number of days that store cookies will remain active on customers' computers. Leave blank to log customers out automatically when they close their browser window.
Storefront Terms of Service link
Enter a link to a terms of service page in this field, to require that customers select a terms of service agreement checkbox when placing orders. More information is available in the following Knowledge Base article:
Add a "Terms of Service" agreement to a store page
Email Archive
Use the dropdown menu to select the number of days you'd like to store to keep info about store generated email sent to customers. The email archive report will automatically purge any related email data past the number of days selected.
Sales Receipt
If selected, the store will send an order receipt email to customers when they place an order in the store.
Shipping Update
If selected, customers will automatically receive a shipping update email whenever the shipping status changes.
Order Notification
Enter email addresses to receive a notification of new orders. (Separate multiple email addresses with commas.)
Decline Notification
Enter email addresses to receive a notification of declined orders. (Separate multiple email addresses with commas.)
Low Stock Notification
Enter email addresses to receive a notification products below your low stock threshold. (Separate multiple email addresses with commas.)
Fulfillment Report CC
CC Fulfillment Reports to the following email addresses. (Separate multiple email addresses with commas.)
An email header is a block of information that accompanies every email. It contains not only obvious information such as who the email came from, who the email was sent to, the subject, and the time it was received, but also a lot of information used by the email program, such as the message ID, encoding information, and optional parameters.
Different email programs handle the information in email headers in different ways, and some email programs don't handle some of the options at all! If you or your customers are having problems receiving emails sent out by your store, you may need to alter some of the options described below.
Email header line ending
The email header line ending determines the characters used to separate the lines of the email header. If this doesn't make sense, think of the line breaks in the return address on a standard envelope. If you didn't place each line on a different line, the entire address would all be on one line and be difficult to read. Email headers work the same way - they indicate that the next text should be on the next line by including an invisible character.
Most email delivery systems use "/r/n" for this invisible character. However, some servers choke on this, and require "/n" to be used instead.
The "/r/n" option is recommended. However, if emails generated by your store are not being received, try using the "/n" version instead. However, this should be a last resort, as it does not comply with the standards defined in RFC 2822.
Please note that some poor-quality Unix mail transfer agents replace "/n" by "/r/n" automatically. Unfortunately, this results in changing "/r/n" to "/r/r/n", which will ruin email delivery.
"From" Email Header
The From header contains the name and email address of the sender of the email. The inclusion of this header can cause delivery problems on some systems, such as a blank "From" name or the "From" header being moved from the headers into the body of the email. If either of these are occurring, try deselecting this option to allow the server to generate this header using its default values.
"Mime Version" Email Header
For those of you obsessed with acronyms, MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. MIME is a standard for the format of email, and most email sent via SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is in MIME format. The "MIME Version" header indicates the version of the MIME standard that is in use, and must always be present in any MIME message. The only recognized value for it is 1.0. Since the present MIME standard permits a great degree of extensibility through the definition of new content types, subtypes, encodings, and the like, it's unlikely that any other MIME version will ever need to be defined, and doing so would necessarily break compatibility with all existing mail programs.
"Return Path" Email Header
The optional "Return-Path" header contains a pair of angle brackets that enclose an email address. Some email programs use this address in place of the "From" and "Reply-To" header addresses when sending replies.
Some email programs will not accept emails which have a "Return-Path" email header. If your customers are not receiving emails sent from your store, try disabling this header.
"X-Mailer" Email Header
X-Mailer is an X-header, which is the generic term for headers starting with a capital X followed by a hyphen. These headers are not part of the official standard and are provided for information only. Mail servers are supposed to ignore any X-headers that they don't recognize. If used, this header is appears as X-Mailer: PHP in the emails generated by the store.
"Message-ID" Email Header
Every mail message is assigned a unique Message-ID which helps your email client, as well as your mail server, keep track of the status of the message. It may look like an email address, but it really isn't. Message-IDs are also logged in special mail logs which can be accessed by your system administrators (in this case, "postmasters") when trying to troubleshoot technical issues like mail loops or forged mail messages. Generally this information is of no use to you and only matters to the mail server.
The Message-ID header should automatically be added to the email by the server when it is generated. However, on store pages that simultaneously generate multiple emails (such as the store receipt page), the server-generated Message-ID may be the same for all the emails. Some web developers have suggested that Outlook and other email clients collate messages with the same Message-ID, which causes only one email in the group to pass to the inbox. If you're experiencing missing emails when a batch of emails are generated, try selecting this option.
"-f " Sendmail Parameter
It is recommended that you use this optional setting. The "-f" parameter is not actually an email header, but an additional parameter that is used when the server generates the email. The "-f" parameter tells the server's email program to include an additional note with the email address of the sender of the email. This is used for additional authentication of the email by some systems, but it can also be forged by spammers.
Various systems will treat this additional parameter different ways, so try selecting this option if your store emails are not being received by your customers. Conversely, try deselecting it if it's enabled and your store emails are not being received by your customers.
CC Emails & BCC Emails
"cc" and "bcc" in an email stand for carbon copy and blind carbon copy. These names are a holdover from manual typewriter days, when, to make a copy of a document, you would use carbon paper between two sheets of regular paper to make an imprint copy of the first sheet on the second.
On an email, when you specify an email address for a carbon copy, an additional copy of that email is sent to that email address. This is often used as an automatic notification system. For example, when a confirmation email/invoice is sent to a customer when checkout is complete, a carbon copy email can be automatically sent to the store administrator as a notification that an order was placed.
The original recipient of an email with carbon copies will see the addresses of carbon copy recipients. If you use "blind carbon copy" instead, the original recipient will not be able to see the addresses of the blind carbon copy recipients - in effect, it will appear that the original recipient is the only recipient of the email.
You can specify one email address for each of the carbon copy and the blind carbon copy. Please note that all emails sent by your store will be copied to these addresses.
Design: Administration Area
New in MMv4, is the ability to customize the administration area to whatever color scheme you'd like to implement. Each section contains a color picker where the user can select a color. Optionally, if the hexadecimal color code is known, it can be manually inputted.
Page Background Color
The page background color is the base color of all admin pages, beneath the page content.
Table Title Color
This is the color that the each admin area table's header will be.
Text Color
Use this to select the color or text displayed throughout the admin area.
Link Color
This color will be used for text links in the admin area.
Table Primary Background Color
Select the primary color for table backgrounds.
Table Secondary Background Color
Select the secondary color for table backgrounds.
Table Border Color
This is the color of the border around admin tables.
Hover Table Row Color
The table row will turn this color when your mouse's cursor hovers over it.
Selected Table Row color
The table row will turn this color when it contains a selected checkbox.
Graph Colors
Select the colors that will appear in admin area graphs.