Subscription Products Module's Home Page
  Last Edited - 03/11/2013 1:04pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Subscription Products
The Subscription Products module is used to automatically rebill customers at a future date.  The Subscription Products Module's Home Page is a list of the major sections of the store's Subscription Module. The sections of the module are as follows:

Subscription Products Module Settings
Edit the settings specific to the subscription product module.

RMV Code Generation Wizard
Generate the PHP and HTML code that you can use on your own website to remotely validate membership logins.


Add a Subscription
Select a customer and create a product subscription for them. The subscription will be added to the Subscription Queue for future processing.

Search Subscription Queue
Search your subscription queue. Additionally, you can complete the transaction for any subscription that is now due.

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