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Store Database Backup
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Store Database Backup

Modular Merchant performs an automatic nightly backup of the database for every store.

where are they?!
The past week of archived database backups are available through the store's Administration Area. This option can be located in your account through [Admin > Manage Modular Merchant Account > Data Archives].

The database backup includes all database records, but does not make a backup copy of files stored on the server.

key concept
Database records include system settings, customer account details, product details, digital object information, events, order history, subscriptions, shipping methods, etc.

Files include template packages, product images, digital object files, etc.

In general, information entered as an option value within the store's Administration Area is saved as a database record, and is therefore included in the automatic store database backup.

Digital products are an excellent example of the difference between database records and files. A simple digital product might be an ebook in .pdf format titled "Rows & Fields". The store database would contain all of the product settings, such as: product SID, product name, product price, product categories, product vendor, availability status, links to any product images, assigned digital object SIDs, etc. The store database would also contain all of the digital object settings, such as: digital object SID, digital object name, digital object URL, release date, etc. The store database would not contain files, such as product images and the .pdf ebook file.

HTML templates are another example of the difference between database records and files.  It is possible to edit HTML templates through the Template Editor within the store's Administration Area. But the template is then saved as a file on the server. The database may contain records that refer to the template file name. For instance, in the Product Editor, option 15 Template allows a specific template to be assigned to a specific product. The template name specified in option 15 would be saved in the database, and therefore archived in the automatic database backup. But the template file itself is not stored in the database, and therefore would not be archived in the automatic database backup.

— Last Edited - 12/30/2013 11:14am PST
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