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Subscription Products Module Settings

These options control the behavior of the Subscription Products module.
Subscription Processing

Allow off-site payment gateways?
This setting will allow customers to purchase your store's subscription products while paying with an off-site payment processor, such as PayPal Website Payments StandardHowever, due to the nature of off-site payment gateways, the shopping cart software must handle them a bit differently from subscriptions that the customer pays with using their credit card.  For a detailed explanation, please review the following KB article:

Order Receipt
If selected, the store will send customers an order receipt email when the subscription has been processed successfully.

Skip receipt for $0.00 orders?
With this setting toggled to Yes, orders placed by a processed subscription that have a grand total of $0.00 will not send a receipt to the customer. If this setting is toggled to No, then the receipt will be controlled by the Order Receipt option as normal.

Override gateway for $0.00 orders?
With this setting toggled to Yes, orders placed by a processed subscription that have a grand total of $0.00 will be processed as "cash" instead of the assigned payment gateway. If this setting is toggled to No, then the assigned gateway will be used as normal.

Update expired cards?
If selected, the store will attempt to automatically update customers' credit card expiration dates when they expire.

Processing Times
Select one or more times to have the store attempt to automatically process subscriptions on a daily basis.  The store will then attempt to automatically process each subscription that is:
1. Due on the current date and not on hold.
2. Past due and not on hold.

If the Subscription Module Settings are set to send customers a decline email if the subscription is declined, one decline email will be sent each time the store attempts to process the subscription.  For example, if all 24 times are selected, the customer will receive a decline order notification email 24 times in a single day!

Most Modular Merchant clients have chosen to process the store subscriptions once per day.

Rules for Late Payments

This option determines the processing date of the next scheduled order after a late payment.  You may choose to set this date in one of two ways.
  • Schedule the next invoice in the series based on the original bill date.
  • Schedule the next invoice in the series based on the date of payment.

Your customer has an order scheduled on April 1 for his monthly delivery of one box of printer paper.  The order is subscription-based, scheduled to be invoiced every 30 days.  However, he misses his payment and it is not received and processed until April 10.

If the original bill date option is selected, then the customer's next order in the series will be scheduled for May 1.

If the date of payment option is selected, then the customer's next order in the series will be scheduled for May 10.

To set the late payment scheduling rule, select the radio button next to the option you wish to use, then click the Save Options button below.

Finance Charges
This is used to automatically add late fees to customers' subscriptions that are overdue.  The first step is to create a late fee product at Products > Add a Product.  Once that step is done, be sure to note the SID number of the product.

In the section Payments __ days after payment due date will incur a __ % monthly finance charge, be sure to specify the number of days the subscription is overdue before the system will apply the finance charge.  The percentage inputted will be calculated from the order's grand total.

Enter the SID of the late fee product in the Enter the SID of your store's "Finance Charge" product: section.

Multiple Declines
This is used to change the status of customers' subscriptions if they are declined a specified number of times.  Use it to either put subscriptions on hold or to delete the subscription altogether.  Leave blank to ignore this option.
Subscriber Options

Member Grace Period
This is used to grant customers access to members only areas if their subscription is late.  Members only areas are explained in detail here: 

Access Restrictions
This is used to restrict access to members only areas based on customer's IP addresses. 
Upcoming Order Notification Email Settings

This option is used to automatically send an email to customers prior to their subscription due date.

Use this Email Option
Select YES to use this option.  A selection of NO will not automatically send upcoming order notification emails.

Send Date
Input the number of days prior to the subscriptions' due dates for the store to send the upcoming order notification emails.

Email Subject
This will appear in the email's subject line.

Additional Recipients
Input any additional email addresses you'd like to send a copy of the upcoming order notification email to.
Credit Card Expiration Warning Email Settings

This option is used to automatically send an email to customers to notify that their subscription credit card is about to expire.

Use this Email Option
Select YES to use this option.  A selection of NO will not automatically send credit card expiration warning emails.

Email Subject
This will appear in the email's subject line.

Additional Recipients
Input any additional email addresses you'd like to send a copy of the credit card expiration warning email to.
Subscription Decline Email Settings

This option is used to automatically send an email to customers to notify that their subscription order has been declined.

Use this Email Option
Select YES to use this option.  A selection of NO will not automatically send subscription decline notification emails.

Email Subject
This will appear in the email's subject line.

Additional Recipients
Input any additional email addresses you'd like to send a copy of the decline notification email to.
Off-Site Gateway Payment Due Email Settings

This option is used to automatically send an email to customers with a subscription using an off-site payment gateway to notify that they need to pay the next installment in their subscription.

Use this Email Option
Select YES to use this option.  A selection of NO will not automatically send the off-site gateway payment due email.

Email Subject
This will appear in the email's subject line.

Additional Recipients
Input any additional email addresses you'd like to send a copy of the off-site gateway payment due email.

— Last Edited - 01/22/2014 11:32am PST
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