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Category Editor

Categories are used to organize products in the storefront. Categories can be further organized into sub-categories, which are categories within categories. Each product in the store may be assigned to any number of categories or subcategories.

The Categories settings in the General Options section of the Product Editor may be used to create categories and assign products to categories. Categories created in this way start out with minimal detail: only the category name and category SID number. Additional details may be added to categories through the Category Editor, such as an image, description, internal notes, and more.

To create a new category, go to [Products > Search Categories > + ].
To view the existing categories, go to [Products > Search Categories].
To edit an existing category, go to [Products > Search Categories], then click on the SID number link or edit button of the existing category to edit.
Category Editor Options

SID (System ID)
The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the category to the system.  This number is assigned by the software and cannot be changed.

The name of the category that will be displayed in the storefront.

An active category will be displayed in the storefront. Inactive categories will not be displayed in the storefront and will essentially be hidden.

Inactive Categories can be used to manage groups of products. For example, an Event could be created that makes all products in the category named "Products on Sale" 10% off. Since the category is inactive, it will not be displayed in the storefront with the other categories. Then, the products that are on sale could by managed simply by changing the products that are assigned to that inactive category.

If the Hidden option is toggled to YES, then the category (and all of its subcategories) will be hidden from storefront category menus and category list pages. However, the category storefront page may still be accessed by going to directly to the page URL. 

In the Modular Merchant demo store, the "Perennial" category is an active category which has the Hidden option toggled to YES. Since the "Perennial" category is hidden, it does not display in the Categories menu, and does not display as a subcategory when viewing its parent "Flowering Plants" category page:
Flowering Plants
However, even though the "Perennial" category is not listed in the Categories menu, since the category is active, its storefront page may still be viewed by going directly to its URL:

Parent Category
If a parent category is selected,  it will designate the category as a Subcategory.  Subcategories are displayed in the storefront underneath the parent category.  

Display Order
The display order is used to designate the order that categories are displayed in the storefront.  Lower numbers are displayed first. 

SEO-Friendly URL
If text is entered into this field, then it will be used to generate the SEO-friendly URL for this category. If left blank, then the category's name will be used instead.

For example, if the text "quick brown fox" is entered in this field, then the URL of this category may be something like:

Alternate Store Page
Enter a URL in this field if you want to use a web page other than the storefront's default page for this category. Be sure to enter the complete URL, including "http://".  If a URL is entered into this field, customers browsing this category in your storefront will be forwarded to that URL.  If this field is left blank, then the storefront's default category page will be displayed instead.

The template is the file within the Template Package that controls the layout of the category's store page.  By default, categories use the template named category.tpl.  However, it is possible to assign an alternate template to a category.

Each product, category and vendor can use unique store templates.

A category image can be uploaded.  It will be displayed on that category's page.

Link Target
Specifies how the category page will be displayed when the customer clicks a link to the category.

An HTML enabled description field is available.  The description will be displayed on the category's store page.

Category Attributes

If there are any category attributes, they will be displayed here. Each attribute will have its own row.

Add Products to this Category

This section can be used to add products to the category. It is possible to enter the products in one of two ways. You may choose to enter the product SID numbers in a comma-separated list, or the Search button may be used to locate specific products.

Once the products have been inserted into the field, click the blue Save Changes button at the bottom of the page to assign the products to the category (and to submit any other changes made to the category settings).

Products in this Category

Once products have been added to the category, they will appear in the Products in this Category section.

In this section, there are a few different columns:
Displays the SID number of the product. Clicking this will open the product up within the Product Editor.

Displays the name of the product.

Displays the price of the product. This is an editable field, and will alter the price of the product globally.

Store Page
Clicking the icon within this column will bring you to the product's store page.

Displays the active status of the product. May be toggled YES or NO.

This section contains a checkbox, which may be selected to remove the product from the category upon clicking Save Changes.

don't worry!
Selecting the checkbox to remove a product from the category, does not delete the product. It merely removes it from the category.
Category Notes

Notes are never displayed in the storefront. They are displayed in the store's administration area only. 

— Last Edited - 12/14/2015 9:14am PST
Comments: This article has 6 user comments.
  hint_water said... October 22, 2013 -- 3:11pm PDT
I was looking to see if/how I could order products within the category, but this article does not tell me.
  bebling said... October 22, 2013 -- 4:38pm PDT
When a category is created (and active), that category will be displayed in the public storefront. Customers who navigate to this category in the storefront may view the different products & subcategories assigned to it. Products can be added to the basket from this page or viewed in more detail as they would on any ordinary store page.

Is this the information you were looking for? If not, feel free to let us know here or through the Support Ticket system in your account through [Support > Support Tickets]. We're here to help!
  hint_water said... November 06, 2013 -- 12:53pm PST
That was not my question. For example, I have 10 products that are assigned in a certain category. I would like the products to display in a certain order WITHIN the category. But there is no "display" order for the products within the category that I can discern. Can the products be designated in order? If not, what is determining in what order they appear within the category? Thanks.
  bebling said... November 07, 2013 -- 12:15pm PST
Products belonging to a category are displayed based off:

1. Their Display Order set in the Product Editor.
2. For products that share the same D.O., then the one created most recently (higher SID number) will be displayed higher up in the list.

As for having a single product with a different display order based on the category they're in, this is not something that is currently possible. However, this is a topic residing within our Development Schedule, to be reviewed for implementation in the future.
  Vinnie said... October 23, 2015 -- 10:42am PDT
Link target is not being saved. Is this a bug or could there be something on my page causing it?
  johnoverdurf said... December 11, 2015 -- 7:36am PST
I was hoping to put an entire category on sale- I think that used to be an option. Is there a way to do that now?
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