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digdel_object DB table
digdel_ip DB Table digdel_object_zone DB table
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digdel_object DB table

this article last updated: June 11, 2010
Due to inevitable changes that will be made to the shopping cart software over time, the cart's variable and database structure may change from time to time without advanced notice. We will attempt to keep the information in this article up-to-date, but Modular Merchant makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information provided in this article. Use this information at your own risk.

This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 digdel_object database table.



  • id
    Primary Key of the table.
    int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
  • name
    Name of the digital object.
    varcahr(255) | indexed
  • type
    Type of digital object
    varcahr(255) | Values: file or webpage | indexed
  • url
    URL to the digital file
    varcahr(255) | indexed

  • active
    If this field contains a value less than one, then the digital object is inactive. Only active digital objects will be purchase and downloadable from the storefront.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
  • instructions
    Download instructions that will appear in the customer's download area.
  • access_hours
    Amount, if any, extra hours the digital object will remain available for the customer to download
    int(10) | indexed
  • access_limit
    Amount, if any, extra download attempts for this digital object.
    int(10) | indexed
  • owner
    System ID number of the store admin that owns this digital object, if any. If 0, all store admins will have access to this digital object.
    int(10) | default: 0 | indexed
  • filesize
    Size of the digital object.
    bigint(20) | indexed
  • display_order
    Order in which the digital objects will be displayed in the customer's download area.
    int(10) | indexed
  • umlimited_access
    This specifies that the digital_object will never expire.
    int(10) | indexed
  • release_date
    Date associated with a "Pre-order" type digital object This date is when the digital object will become available.
    int(10) | indexed
  • and_or
    Specifies whether any of the zone rules or all of them apply to this digital object.
    char(1) | indexed
  • zone_message
    Custom message that will be displayed to the customer if their geographical location is not permitted to download the specific digital object.


— Last Edited - 06/11/2010 12:46pm PDT
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