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ship_method DB Table
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ship_method DB Table

this article last updated: July 1, 2009
Due to inevitable changes that will be made to the shopping cart software over time, the cart's variable and database structure may change from time to time without advanced notice. We will attempt to keep the information in this article up-to-date, but Modular Merchant makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information provided in this article. Use this information at your own risk.

This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 ship_method database table. This table contains the default ship methods plus any custom ship methods that have been created.

  • id
    Primary Key of the table.
    int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
  • active
    If set to a value greater than zero, then the ship rate is inactive. Inactive ship rates are not displayed in the storefront.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
  • name
    This is the name of the shipping method that will be displayed in the storefront.

  • display_order
    Determines the order in which this shipping method is displayed in lists in relation to other shipping methods.
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed
  • type
    The provider of the shipping method. Examples include: FedEx, UPS, USPS, custom.
    varchar(255) | default: custom | indexed
  • remote
    Whether or not this
    shipping method is returned from a third-party service provider's server.
    char(1) | values: N,Y | default: N
  • code
    The ID code of the
    shipping method submitted to the third-party service provider to retrieve the rate information. Not used for custom rates.
  • surcharge
    The value entered in this field will be applied to the rate returned from the third-party service provider.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • surcharge_type
    Determines whether the surcharge is a dollar value or a percentage.
    char(1) | values: D,P | default: D
  • surcharge_calc
    If the surcharge is a percentage, this determines what the percentage is based on.
    char(1) | values: V,Q,W | default: V
  • max_value
    The maximum dollar value of the shipping method.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • min_value
    The minimum dollar value of the shipping method.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • base_value
    The value in this field will be added to the calculated value of the
    shipping method.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • base_type
    Determines whether the base value is a dollar value or a percentage.
    char(1) | values: D,P | default: D
  • base_calc
    If the base value is a percentage, this determines what the percentage is based on.
    char(1) | values: V,Q,W | default: V
  • free_quota
    The threshold at which the ship rate becomes free.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • free_calc
    Determines whether the free_quota is based on the order's product quantity, dollar value or weight.
    char(1) | values: V,Q,W | default: Q
  • item_value
    The value entered in this field is added to the
    shipping method once for every X products in the order.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • item_type
    Determines whether the item_value is a dollar value or percentage of the order's value.
    char(1) | values: D,P | default: D
  • item_calc
    Determines whether the item_value is based on the order's product quantity, dollar value or weight.
    char(1) | values: V,Q,W | default: Q
  • item_quota
    The item_value is applied to the ship rate once for the value of this field. Example, entering "3" in this field would apply the item_value to the ship rate once for every three products in the order.
    int(10) | unsigned | default: 0
  • use_zones
    Determines whether the
    shipping method is restricted to customers in the specified zip codes, states or countries.
    char(1) | values: N,Y | default: N
  • and_or
    Determines whether all or any of shipping method's zones must match the customer's geographic location.
    For example, if a ship rate uses the zones California and United States, setting it to "and" would only apply it to customers with California selected as their state and United States selected as their country. If set to "or", then it would be applied to customers with either California selected as their state or United States selected as their country.
    char(1) | values: O,A | default: O
  • lo_limit_value
    The low threshold at which the
    shipping method is no longer available in the storefront.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • lo_limit_calc
    Determines whether the lo_limit_value is based on the order's product quantity, dollar value or weight.
    char(1) | values: V,Q,W | default: W
  • hi_limit_value
    The high threshold at which the shipping method is no longer available in the storefront.
    double(16,2) | default: 0.00
  • hi_limit_calc
    Determines whether the hi_limit_value is based on the order's product quantity, dollar value or weight.
    char(1) | values: V,Q,W | default: W


— Last Edited - 07/1/2009 3:52pm PDT
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