There are many different tools for managing your store available in your administration area. So many, in fact, that we fear blitzing new users with all of them all-at-once would make their brain ache.
In an effort to prevent mental anguish, Step 1 of the Account Setup Wizard is designed to optimize your admin area. The answers to the questions in this step will streamline which tools are displayed in your store's administration area, showing you just the tools you'll need to get stated. Of course, anything hidden in step can always be turned back on later.
Pick an Admin Home page.
The Admin Home page is the first page you see when you log in to your store's back-end control panel, or Administration Area. Brand new accounts have the Account Setup Wizard set as their Admin Home Page by default. This option allows you to change your Admin Home page from the wizard to the standard home page.
tip Most new users find it helpful to keep their Admin Home page set to the Account Setup Wizard until they are comfortable with the options introduced in the wizard. Changing this option to Standard Admin Home Page will unlock even more tools within your store's administration area.
Set your default product types.
What kind of products do you sell? The answer to this question will allow the system to customize the default Product Editor and several other pages to meet your needs. For example, if you don't sell downloads, then those options will be removed from the Product Editor by default. You can always add any removed options back into the Product Editor later. |