Release notes for Modular Merchant version 13.0515 - Administration Area
- Place an Order Tool
Passwords can now be assigned to and/or changed on Step 4 of the Place an Order Tool. (Previously, it was not possible to assign or change passwords to customer accounts in the Place an Order Tool.) - API
- Remote Membership Validation (RMV) API
Fixed an issue with the store's RMV API that could prevent it from returning XML data when certain types of searches against the customer's order history were requested. - Modules
- Digital Delivery module
Updated the Scan File Storage Area tool to improve its ability to retrieve file names off third-party File Storage Areas that provide incomplete/missing file information. - Email Batch Report
Added a checkbox field to the Link Performance section of the Email Batch Report. The checkbox can be used to select one or more of the links from the email batch, and either subscribe all the customers who clicked that link to an Email Series, or unsubscribe them from an Email Series. - Event Engine
Increased the speed of events that discount a very large number of products. For example, in a store with over 52,000 products on sale, the average load time of storefront pages was reduced from 8.1 seconds down to 0.8 seconds; an 88.9% speed increase. - QuickCode Tags
Fixed an issue with the value displayed by the {SUBSCRIPTION-ESTIMATED-ORDER-VALUE} QuickCode Tag in the Customer Account area. (Previously, the estimated order value wasn't taking multiple quantities of products into consideration.) - AFFILIATE-COMPANY
Added the {AFFILIATE-COMPANY}, {IF-TID-IS-SET-BEGIN}, {IF-TID-IS-SET-END} and {TID-AFFILIATE-COMPANY} QuickCode Tag, which can be used to display an Affiliate's company on a storefront page. - Storefront
- Tax Calculation
Fixed an issue that could cause an order's tax value to be displayed incorrectly during the checkout process. (The first time the taxes were displayed, they would be too low, but they would fix themselves if the page was reloaded once and/or when the order was actually placed.) - Tax Calculation
Taxes now adjust correctly when an Event adjusts an order's product subtotal. (Previously, taxes would continue to be calculated based on the pre-discounted product subtotal value.) - Zone Fees
Fixed an issue in which some product configurations could prevent Zone Fees from being applied to orders placed by brand new customers.
### End of Release Notes ###